"Food is merely fuel - food cannot make you happy"

Thursday, March 12, 2009

For a limited time only!!!!

Because I'm paranoid. And you don't need to be exposed to fatty untoned bits for more than 12 hours!!!

As you can see - bony arms and collar bone (these I like), no chest, flabby stomach and fat thighs.

That's a pear-shape, right there!!!

Collar bone!! Always visible though, even when I'm a lardass.

And I guess these photos are why people don't think I've lost weight. It's because I'm a fatty, so they're trying to make it so I carry on.

I will get thin legs. I WILL.

*EDIT* As you can see, removed. I should be getting my ass to the gym more. Thankyou for your comments though! They made me smile. ANd yeah, I do have the top half of a boney lady but effectively I'm a "fat-bottomed girl" (Queen would love it).


Anonymous said...

Cute!!! We have very similar stomaches, except mine is more pouchy at the bottom. Your bra is adorable.

Reese said...

I'm so jealous of your skinny arms! Mine seem to never look skinny. Ah well. Cute!

Savory Sweet said...

oooh I am so jealous of your collarbone ;) Thanks for the brave pics, you will get there!!!

Plum Girl said...

Your collarbones = AMAZING!!!

Jess said...

Yeah I have the same thing w/ my collarbone. Even in my fat before pic it's still there. Trust me your thighs AREN'T big...mine are bigger. I can tell you now that's why are measurements are similar and are weights are similar but I'm 5 ins shorter lol.