"Food is merely fuel - food cannot make you happy"

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Blog love!!

Thankyou for your comments!! They really helped, honest. Turns out my period started (several days early... even though I'm on the pill??) so the moods maybe caused by that.

Today - I got my porridge (but with honey eek) and apple and then had a decaff cappucino with soy milk from Caffe Nero. Per drink, according to the website, that's only 36 cals. And I didn't even finish it (although did have most, so will count it anyways). Today so far - 269. I want to keep it low today, I have plans for an interesting dinner (stuffed cabbage leaves) so will probably make up a soup for lunch.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They say your period cycle can sync up with your friends...guess ours synced up! haha

I love how you say porridge, oats right? It reminds me of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

Have a good day!