"Food is merely fuel - food cannot make you happy"

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I seem to have taken this "final day" thing quite seriously - I just ate a lot of pancakes and cheese sauce (not together - ew) and golden syrup. At least I used practically fat-free milk and half-fat cheese. Ughhh. No calorie counting today!!

I made it to the gym today though!! Only cross-trainered it for 25 minutes, but it's been a while and it felt good. I was next to quite a chubby girl, but she was on it for longer (I respect her dedication). Need to get competitive with it all...

ANYWAY no more binging, no more eating out of the jars. BRING IT ON!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha i love competitive gymming! once someone gets on the machine next to me i cant get off until they have, just because it makes me feel so superior. i want them to be jealous of my fitness or something, even to the point where i cant breathe i will keep going.
well done getting to the gym so far this week, keep it up!