"Food is merely fuel - food cannot make you happy"

Sunday, April 11, 2010


So I hardly exercised at home but kept cal intake to approx 1500 per day. Which given my obese-levels of consumption at Christmas/when revising, is not bad.

Nevertheless, I see 140.0 on the scales this morning. I was hoping to lose a few pounds at best, and maintain at worst. But a gain? Foolishly, I forgot on one day to take my pill, meaning that my overly erratic menstrual cycle kicked in and I've been on my period since. So I'm hoping it's that, rather than anything else.

New aim - 900 cals per day. Let's shock this bad boy body into action!

I have a short-term aim - I need to tone up and lose some weight by 21st April. So that's 10 days to lose. Big big big night out. Also, as I said before, I want to be at least 130 if not lower by 5th May. GAH I don't know if that's possible!

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